Taylor Wessling
Graphic Design & Illustration & 

Taylor Wessling
Graphic Design & Illustration & 


Franklin Gothic
Publication, Layout Design, Illustration, Typography, 

Type-specimen Zine on the history and anatomy of the type face Franklin Gothic printed with a limited run series of 5 Ben Franklin Gothic illustrations.

Franklin Gothic itself is an extra-bold sans-serif type. It draws upon earlier, nineteenth century models, from many of the twenty-three foundries consolidated into American Type Founders in 1892. It was named in honor of a prolific American printer, Benjamin Franklin. The faces were issued over a period of ten years, all of which were designed by Morris Benton and issued by A.T.F.

Class initiated project focusing on layout and typography at UCLAx Adv. DCA program.

Tools: Adobe Illustrator, Indesign, Photoshop, and Fresco.
Illustration: Ben Franklin Gothic - Graphite, Ink and Adobe Fresco.